Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Parts of a Suit of Armor

Parts of a Suit of Armor

Parts of a Suit of Armor

The diagram above names most of the common parts of a suit of armor.  The comb is meant to strengthen the structure of the rest of the helm, and the visor pivots and has holes/slits for ventilation and visibility.  The rerebrace (REER-brase) is also referred to as the upper cannon.  Each part of the suit is designed to pivot and make movement easier.  A common technique to design suits is to utilize "lames," or overlapped strips of metals.  This idea is somewhat like shingles on a roof, and it makes the armor flexible.

Other forms of armor could include chain mail or scale armor.  Chain mail uses metal rings, woven together to create a flexible, protective fabric.  Scale armor uses small overlapping metal plates attached to a cloth.

WE-Chainmail Rivetted closeup AB2484.jpg (22491 bytes)
Example of chain mail...


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