Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Parts of a Suit of Armor

Parts of a Suit of Armor

Parts of a Suit of Armor

The diagram above names most of the common parts of a suit of armor.  The comb is meant to strengthen the structure of the rest of the helm, and the visor pivots and has holes/slits for ventilation and visibility.  The rerebrace (REER-brase) is also referred to as the upper cannon.  Each part of the suit is designed to pivot and make movement easier.  A common technique to design suits is to utilize "lames," or overlapped strips of metals.  This idea is somewhat like shingles on a roof, and it makes the armor flexible.

Other forms of armor could include chain mail or scale armor.  Chain mail uses metal rings, woven together to create a flexible, protective fabric.  Scale armor uses small overlapping metal plates attached to a cloth.

WE-Chainmail Rivetted closeup AB2484.jpg (22491 bytes)
Example of chain mail...


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Grendel Creative Piece

Grendel Creative Piece - Write a survivor's account of one of Grendel's attacks

     It was my first night in Heorot after our mead gathering.  Of course, I was scared to be chosen as one of the new guards.  Stories have spread across the lands and across the seas of the creature from hell who haunts these corridors.  We have been attacked by this creature several times.  I dared not expose myself to such horrors, but when I was called, it was a matter of honor.  No man shall call me a coward.  I will die to live in honor and be remembered nobly.
     I prepared myself for sleep, but took any necessary precautions should the hall be attacked.  I slept in a dream state of constant night terrors.  I could see the creature; he haunted my dreams.  There is blood dripping off his face and running down the walls, and all I can do is cower in fear for my life.  I wake to an earth rumble; the world could be at an end.  The high oak doors burst open and shock spread throughout the hall.  "Grendel!" some yell.
     Mass chaos, I know not what to do.  A few men charge the creature from hell, but in vain.  They are knocked aside, left unconscious out of battle.  One man is picked up, ripped in half.  His blood is sucked up and bones cleaned.  Red drips off the face of the creature, completely hysterical.  It appears as though the creature attempts to speak our language, but it is merely babble.  I summon the strength and courage to pick up my spear and quickly but cautiously advance upon the creature.  He tears open another of my comrades, and turns to greet me.
     "Hello, foul creature.  Go back to the abyss!"  I jab my spear forward with no effect.  He smacks me aside and slaps me silly.  He acts playfully as a cat plays with a mouse until it dies.  Blood pulses through my veins and even drips down my own face.  I prepare to embrace my passage over the great divide.  I am not like those who weep for more time to live life in a new way; instead I sing my death song like a hero going home.
     The next moment I remember is waking up to the faces of my own kin.  My brothers in arms stand beside.  Few I notice are no longer present.  I help to clean up the mead hall and replace the high oak doors.  What creature of the shadows attacked us?  Why has God forsaken us?